Countries we are unable to ship to
Production times for the holidays
How can I track my order?
If I place an order, how long will it take before it is shipped?
If I select overnight shipping when I place my order, will that guarantee that I will receive my order the following day?
The edge of the bamboo tray has come away from the cover during shipping. I can see the glue, what do I do?
Cover was damaged in shipping, has creases, etc. What can be done?
My card was charged, did the order ship?
Will you mark my package as a gift so that I can avoid duty/VAT/import costs in my country?
Will I be responsible for import duty, VAT, or other taxes outside of the US?
Can I change my US shipping address to an international address?
Can I update my shipping address?
How long will it take to get to Europe, Asia, the moon, etc?
How do you ship?
Do you ship internationally?
Do we ship to PO boxes?